Luxury Yacht Plans
When searching for the ultimate selection in luxury yachts, a multitude of companies are on the market with plans at more

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Comments on Luxury Yacht Plans

Posted May 27, 2014 - 7:52 PM:

Ultimately, you will need a commercially-endorsed RYA Yachtmaster ciireftcate, which requires a minimum number of miles at sea, quite a lot of night-school or dry-land classes (these usually run in the winter months at your local adult education centre, and are generally good fun you get to make some interesting friends ) and practical tests at sea.You work you way up through Competent Crew, Day Skipper, etc., as your experience increases.To gain a commercial cert, you will also need certification in first aid, deep-water survival (that's one's fun!), and a few other things, but the most important thing that you need is plenty of experience.Join local clubs, volunteer as crew, take very chance you get to go out and get wet get an RYA logbook and record every trip, have it countersigned by the person in charge of the boat that way, you have a tangible record of our experience.There's a couple of places down in the West country who will take you out in winter, in the worst possible weather it's worth doing this, because, until you've done it, you've no idea you'll react to being sh*t-scared, freezing cold and lost, with boat on its rail, water cascading out of your boots and a dozen people looking at you with an "OK, now what, smarty-pants?" expression.There ar a number of charter companies on the S Coat who may be in need of a skipper in the summer months that will add to your experience until you can afford your own boat.Oh, and one thing you MUST do. It's very important.. if you're sailing out of South Coast ports, make a trip to St Vast la Houge (on the Eastern side of the Cherbourg peninsula).Plan to arrive at dawn go to the yacht club's "Capitanerie" for boiling hot showers, stroll up to the high street about the time the bakery opens and buy baguettes, cheese and "pommier" ( a kind of high-octane cider, a waste product of the Calvados-making process).. take it all back to the boat, eat breakfast, and reflect that THIS is why you took up sailing And if M, Goselin still runs his grocery-and-very-good-wine emporium there, give him my fond regards
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